Pokhara University Service Commission Written Exam Result and Interview Notice

Result 22 Aug 2022 1310

Pokhara University Notices

Pokhara University Service Commission Written Exam Result and Interview Notice: Advertisement No. 1/078/079, 3/078/079, 4/078/079, 5/078/079, 6/078/079, and 7/078/ 079, among the candidates who applied for the posts of internal competition and participated in the written examination. As per Pokhara University Regulations, 2055, Pokhara University Staff Appointment and Recommendation Basis Procedure 2057, and the decision of Pokhara University Service Commission, candidates with the following roll numbers have been selected for interview in the following positions and subjects, this notice is published for the information of all concerned.

All concerned are informed that the interview will be held at the Central Office of the Public Service Commission, Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu as per the work schedule mentioned below.


1) Advertisement no. 2/078/079 As it was found that marks were used in the answer book of the candidates for the post of Co-Administrator-Accountant, the said answer books have been canceled according to the procedure of Pokhara University Service Commission answer book use and examination regulation 2079.

2) Candidates who have been selected for the interview should compulsorily attend one hour before the time of the interview with the original copy of the documents submitted along with the application form.

3) Pokhara University Service Commission reserves the right to correct any errors during the publication of results.

Pokhara University