Prime Minister's Agriculture Modernization Project Published Result and Interview Schedules

Result 08 Dec 2022 2712

Prime Ministers Agriculture Modernization Project Notice

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Prime Minister's Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP), Project Management Unit, Khumaltar, Lalitpur published written exam results and interview schedule of Agriculture Service and Aimal Development Officer (Contract Service).

According to the notice published on 16-05-2079 of the Prime Minister's Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP), Project Management Unit, Khumaltar, Advertisement No. 10001/2079-50 Agriculture Officer (Service Contract) and Advertisement No. 10002/2079-80 Animal Development Officer (Service Contract ) among the candidates who participated in the written examination dated 2079-07-19; This notice is published for the information of all concerned about the list of candidates selected for an interview and the schedule of the interview is placed on the website of the project

Candidates who have been selected for the interview should appear for the interview on the specified date and time, 2 copies of passport size photographs, 2 copies of the required educational certificate and experience (if any) along with 2 copies of self-attested photocopies and admit card 1 (one) hour before the time of the interview.

Even if there is a public holiday on the day of the interview, the program of the interview will continue as usual. Candidates who do not appear in the interview on the specified date and time will be informed that they will not be included in the re-interview.
