Promotion and Deployment of the Police Constable Post - Nepal Police

Result 22 Jan 2020 3969

Nepal Police

Promotion and Deployment of the Post of a Police Constable 2076 - Nepal Police


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Nepal Police Headquarter, Human Resources, and Administrative Department, (Staff Administration Branch), Naxal, Kathmandu

Promotion and deployment of the post of a police constable:

Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration,

Due to the decision of the Deputy Superintendent of Police, on the date of 2076/10/07, the following police constables, who were promoted to the rank of police constable by the post of police officer in the Janapad police station, were transferred in accordance with the prevailing rules, so that they could be eaten from the existing post-mortem posts. Requested to be a day.

In addition to this, the concerned officers have been requested by the concerned offices to inform them of the above-mentioned procedure and to provide necessary action to the concerned authorities, and to send them to the office within 7 days.

Nepal Police (Nepal Prahari)

Naxal, Kathmandu

Estd. 1955


