Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited Final Result of Various Positions

Result 16 Dec 2022 2757

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Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited as per the notice published in the National Daily Gorkhapatra dated 04/24/2079 regarding the employee service contract submitted along with the applications submitted on the basis of educational qualification, experience, and skills/training of the candidates who have been shortlisted from the date of 2079/08/29 Since the following order of merit will be maintained based on the educational qualification, experience, skills/training and the total achievement of the interview of the candidate present in the interview conducted till 2079/08/27.

According to the decision dated 2079/08/29 in accordance with the Employee Contract Service Procedure, 2076, this notice has been published for the information of all concerned.


The selected successful candidates are requested to contact the company within seven (7) days as per the Employee Contract Service Procedure, 2076. If the selected candidate for the contract does not come within the specified time limit, this notice also lists the procedure of giving an opportunity to the alternative candidate according to the order of merit within the same service group.

Notice Sifaris