Recommendation for Teacher Appointment and Posting

Result 05 Oct 2019 9725

Recommendation for Teacher Appointment and Posting

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Education and Human Resource Development Center, Teacher Management Coordination Branch, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Subject: Recommendation for teacher appointment and posting.

Mr. Education Development and Coordination Unit, All.

Chalan No. 157 of the Teacher Services Commission on the subject presented. On the dated 2076/04/30 the correspondence has been sent along with a thematic list of candidates nominated from that unit out of a total of 1574 candidates who have been recommended for permanent appointment in permanent vacancy at the secondary level sanctioned vacancy. It is requested as per the decision of this Center dated 2076/06/17 to make the appointment of teachers and post related work as per routine.

Fundamentals of Teacher Appointment and Placement:

The Education Development and Coordination Unit shall appoint the relevant candidates according to the number of thematic posts that are vacant in their district, and to appoint a permanent teacher in the Rural Municipality/municipality of the priority course based on the placement criteria.

  1. The school placement work will be from the local level.
  2. Determine the priority of the village municipality/municipality from the units and prioritize on the basis of the details of the municipalities and municipalities.
  3. A) To appoint a person who is working as a temporary teacher in a purely vacant temporary position

(B) To allow persons with type A and B disabilities to remain vacant until the vacancy.

C) Giving priority to those with permanent home addresses at the local level as far as women's rights are concerned and on the basis of the qualifying order of the unified list of women in favor of other women.

D) To give priority to the merits of the integrated list in favor of the rest.

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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