TSC Promotion of Teachers on the Basis of Performance Appraisal (Gandaki Pradesh)

Result 23 Jun 2022 26286

Teachers Service Commission of Nepal

Government of Nepal, Secretariat of Teacher Service Commission, Promotion Recommendation Committee, Directorate of Education Development, Gandaki Pradesh, Pokhara Notice of promotion of teachers on the basis of performance appraisal.

As per the decision of the Secretariat of the Teacher Service Commission, Promotion Recommendation Committee, Directorate of Education Development, Gandaki Pradesh, Pokhara on various dates; Among the candidates who have applied for promotion; According to Rule 33 of paragraph 4 of Teacher Service Commission Rules-2057 (with amendments) according to the following district, level, category, and advertisement which got the highest marks; The following list of candidates has been published for the purpose of Rule 34 of Teacher Service Commission Rules-2057 (with amendments).

In case of dissatisfaction with the promotion made by the Province Promotion Committee, within 35 days from the date of publication of this notice, Rs. 750 for Secondary Teacher First Class, Rs. 600 for Secondary Teacher Second and Lower Secondary Teacher First Class, Rs.500 / - and Rs.350 / - for Primary Teacher Second Class by depositing in Office Code: 350213303 and Revenue Title 14224 and the procedure for filing a complaint in this Directorate is informed.

Promotion List (Badhuwa Suchi) TSC

Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2002


