Upa Sachiv Post (Internal Competition) Written Exam Result - Lok Sewa Aayog

Result 09 Jan 2021 2652

Upa Sachiv Post (Internal Competition) Written Exam Result Lok Sewa Aayog

Upa Sachiv Post (Internal Competition) Written Exam Result - Lok Sewa Aayog:

Public Service Commission, (Written Examination Results Publication Branch), Anamnagar, Kathmandu notice for  Written Result of Public Service Commission, Central Office Advertisement No. 17195 / 076-77 (Internal Competition), Engineering Service, Mechanical Group, Gazetted Second Class, Deputy Secretary or similar post.

Alphabetically among the candidates appearing in the written examination taken in the following advertisement of Public Service Commission, Central Office, Anamnagar; Candidates with the following roll number and surname have passed, and this notice has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the selection process for the interview.

Candidates selected for interview should fill up passport size photo and copy, complete minimum qualification certificate required and other required documents and 2 copies of the first and third page of application form along with 2 (seven) days from the date of publication of this notice at the Commission's Application Management Center. The copy will have to be certified and verified by the candidate himself.

Failure to submit the required minimum qualification and other required documents will result in the cancellation of the application at any time.

Selected candidates must be present at the interview and recommendation branch of the Commission 1 (one) hour in advance with the above-mentioned documents and admission card when they come to give the interview at the following place, date, and time.

The program will continue even if there is a public holiday on the day of the interview.

Services, Groups, Subgroups: Engineering, Mechanical,

Post: Deputy Secretary or equivalent (Saha Sachib)

Level/ Category: Gazetted II Class

Written Exam Operation Date: 2076-11-2 and 3rd

Office for publishing results: Public Service Commission, Central Office.

Written Exam Result Published Date: 2077-9-24

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


