MEC Call to Apply Online to Participate in Wrap-up Matching of Bachelor Level of Medical Education

Admission 07 Sep 2022 4118

Medical Education Commission Notice

MEC Call to Apply Online to Participate in Wrap-up Matching of Bachelor Level of Medical Education: Government of Nepal, Medical Education Commission ( Chikitsa Shiksha Aayog - MEC), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice to apply through the online system to participate in wrap-up matching of graduation level of medical education.

Since some seats have become vacant after the third stage of fee-based admission for the candidates who are on the merit list of the results of the Medical Education Graduation Level Common Entrance Exam conducted for this academic session; To participate in wrap-up matching conducted in the physical presence of candidates for the following seats; This notification has been published for the interested candidates who meet the following qualifications to apply through the online system by 5:00 PM on 26-05-2079.

Date:- 2079-05-21

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Medical Education Commission (MEC)

Medical Education Commission

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 2019


