Happy Valentine's Day

Event 14 Feb 2021 1894

Happy Valentine Day

Happy Valentine's Day:

February 14 is Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is being celebrated all over the world. Especially young men and women have been celebrating this day as a special occasion.

Valentine's Day has been especially celebrated in Nepal for the last few years. On this day, lovers show love to each other by giving various gifts and making love proposals to the person they like.

The formal beginning of Valentine's Day is believed to have been in Roman from 269 AD. This day is associated with a tragic love story. The then Roman emperor Claudius II forbade his soldiers to love and marry.

Emperor Claudius forbade love and marriage, believing that love and marriage weakened soldiers and that secret information related to war was leaked to the public. But Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who did not like the emperor's rule spoke out in favor of love.

Love is unfathomable, supernatural, and eternal. Love is religion, power, and peace. Human love is more specific than any bondage and selfishness, it is above and free. Human love is boundless, as wide as the sky. There is no limit to love. Such love pervades all men and women, but can only be achieved with exceptions. Only a person free from greed, lust, and selfishness can taste such love. Most people think that love between husband and wife is the last and immortal love.

So people are eager to get married. Of course, there is love between husband and wife; But love beyond bondage and selfishness occurs only in husbands and wives with exceptions. Husband and wife's love ends somewhere in an agreement, sometimes in personal interests and social bonds. Husbands and wives today seem to be determined to break free and live independently.

Human love never compromises and selfishness; Yes, only sacrifice and surrender! Without human bondage, there is freedom. There is renunciation without attainment. There is salvation without death. Without selfishness, there is surrender. Valentine's Day.

It is a celebration of loving hearts. Love is love in itself. Loving hearts are adding more fragrance. Love is for everyone, love is for everyone. The attraction of the eyes may end after a while, but the feeling of devotion to one another in pure love lives on forever. There should be a cool wave of love between all the creatures of the world. Let's share love; It is still growing. Spread it is still spreading. Love is something that keeps spreading. Live a loving life by sharing the love.

Happy Valentine's Day!     
