Far Western University Announces Written Examination Schedule for Various Positions
The Office of the Service Commission at Far Western University, located in Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur, has issued an important notice regarding the conduct of written examinations for several positions. The notice, published on 2080/03/25, provides crucial details for applicants who have successfully passed the computer knowledge test and are now preparing for the written examination.
Positions and Advertisement Numbers
The positions for which the written examination is being conducted include:
- Assistant (Administration) under advertisement no. 26 / 2079 / 080
- Assistant (Accounting) under advertisement no. 27/2079/080
- Assistant Administrator (Information Technology) under advertisement no. 22/ 2079 / 080
- Lab Assistant (Computer Engineering) under advertisement no. 24 / 2079/080
Examination Date and Venue
The written examination for all post is scheduled to be held from the date of 2080/04/13 at Sudurpaschim University Central Campus.
Examination Timetable and Admit Card
The detailed timetable for the examination has been published on the Service Commission's official website, which can be accessed at www.servicecommission.fwu.edu.np. Applicants are advised to check the website regularly for updates and further instructions.
To participate in the written examination, candidates must bring their admit card along with their full citizenship certificate. It's crucial to note that no candidate will be allowed to sit for the examination without these documents.
Exam Routine Notice