Nagarik Lagani Kosh Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Exam 15 Dec 2019 4638

Nagarik Lagani Kosh Written Exam Schedule and Exam Center

Public Service Commission (PSC), Security Branch and Organizational Branch, Examination Branch

Written Exam Programs and Examination Center of Nagarik Lagani Kosh (Citizens Investment Trust)

This information has been published for all information regarding the conduct of examination conducted in the following buildings: Ad no. In accordance with the order dated 2076/08/08, the Hon'ble Supreme Court ruled that the information of 11 (2076/77), 13 (2076/77), 14 (2076/77) and 15 (2076/77) should not be executed, denied or maintained. All information related to this information is requested, even if the information is subsequently published in favor of advertising.


  • Candidate should only use black dot ink/pen in the answer book.
  • The Central Office of the Citizens Investment Fund will be distributed from New Baneshwor, Kathmandu from 2076/10/15 on the date of the candidates' admit card.
  • Except for conducting the examination, the admission is compulsory along with the admission letter, since no candidate will be convened without examination.
  • At least 1 hour before the exam is to arrive at the house.
  • It is forbidden to carry bags, mobiles, phones and other electronic devices in the examination hall.
  • The scheduled exam schedule will not be postponed without the prior notice of the Commission, even if unexpected departure occurs on the day of the examination.
  • When answering multiple answer questions, only the answers written in English uppercase A, B, C, D will be recognized.
  • For more information, visit the Citizens Investment Fund's website at

Citizens Investment Trust (Nagarik Lagani Kosh)

New Banewshwor, Kathmandu

Nagarik Lagani Kosh

New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Estd. 1991


