Merit List of M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management and Rural Development Scholarship

Scholarship 13 Mar 2021 2089

Merit List of M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management and Rural Development Scholarship

Merit List of M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management and Rural Development Scholarship:

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education and Technology, Scholarship Branch, Keshar Mahal, Kathmandu Urgent notice regarding M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management and Rural Development Scholarship Qualification List and Pre-Nomination

As per the decision of the Ministry, the period from 2077-10-20 to 2077-10-26 has been given for the selection of students in the scholarship of MSc Forestry subject obtained from Kathmandu Forestry College under Tribhuvan University as per the Scholarship Rules 2060 (with amendments). As per the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology dated 2077-11-28, the candidates have been pre-nominated as per the following merit list (a) and the following qualification list (b) as per the decision of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

This notice has been published in case of any contradiction regarding the pre-nominated candidates, if the pre-nominated candidates have study ability/disability, the candidate should appear in person by 3rd Chaitra, 2077 BS, and submit the application with proof.

In case of non-contact within the stipulated time, the opportunity will be provided to the alternative candidate as per the rules.

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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