MOEST Published List of Eligible students for Pro-Poor Targeted Scholarships for Class 8 and 10

Scholarship 14 Jul 2022 18516

Ministry of Education

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education Science and Technology, Center for Education and Human Development Published list of students eligible for the Target Group Scholarship for Class 8 and 10 [MOEST Published List of Eligible students for Pro-Poor Targeted Scholarships for Class 8 and 10]

Information published in the Gorkhapatra of this center dated 2078-11-01 for the students studying in class 8 and 10 to fill the PMT (Proxy Mean Testing) form for the purpose of giving deprived targeted scholarship to the students studying in secondary level (class 9-12) of community schools in the academic session 2079. According to the analysis of the forms received from the schools, the students mentioned in the details are eligible for the destitute targeted scholarship; There is a request for the information of all concerned regarding the publication of the list of the said students.

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Scholarship in Nepal Government Scholarship

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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