TU Published Exam Routine of 4-years BBS 2nd Year

News 21 Jul 2018 3473

BBS 2nd Year Exam Routine

Tribhuwan University Office of the Controller of the Examinations has published exam routine of 4-years BBS 2nd year from 7th Shrawan 2075 to 17th Shrawan 2075.
Key dates of examination schedule of 4-year BBS 2nd Year:

Examination Time: 1 PM to 4 PM
1.2075-04-07 : Business Communication-MGT-205
2. 2075-04-09: Macro-Economics-MGT-206
3. 2075-04-13: Cost & Management Accounting-MGT-212
4. 2075-04-15: Fundamentals of Marketing-MGT-214
5. 2075-04-17: Foundations of Human Resource Mgmt-216
