189,023 Applied for Supervisor and Enumerator Post - National Census Vacancy

News 27 Mar 2021 19436

189,023 Applied for Supervisor and Enumerator Post - National Census Vacancy

189,023 Applied for Supervisor and Enumerator Post - National Census Vacancy:

About two lakh candidates have applied for the National Census 2078. A total of 189,023 candidates have applied for the census, a Vacancy of 47,000 manpower including 8,000 supervisors and 39,000 enumerators. The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) had opened the application for two months from Magh 11 to Chaitra 11.

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), more than four times as many applications have been received. Deputy Director-General of the Department, Dr. Hemraj Regmi, informed that one lakh 36 thousand 701 people have applied for the post of the enumerator, 18 thousand 513 people have applied for the post of supervisor and 33 thousand 809 people have applied for both the posts.

According to him, the list will be prepared on the basis of merit among the applicants and the candidates will be selected by giving priority to the locals. He also said that priority would be given to the study of statistics and population issues. ”

The department has stated that the selected candidates can be assigned to work in the place where they are currently residing if they are not comfortable working in the place where they have a permanent address.

The enumerator will have to choose a contract service for one month and collect data for 15 days in the specified area.

He informed that the supervisors would be contracted for two months and seven days of training and 20 days of data collection, 15 days of enumerator supervision, and details of the concerned wards would be collected from the ward office.

The manpower is being hired for the census to be held from 25th Jeshta to 8th Ashad, 2078 BS. The slogan for next year's census is 'My Census, My Participation'.

Total Vacancy Details:

Position Required No.
Supervisor 8000
Enumerator 39000
Total Required No. 47000

Total Applicants Details:

Position Number of Application
Supervisor 18513
Enumerator 136701
Applied for both post 33809
Total Number of Applicants 189023