Abuse of Authority in SEE Assessment

News 25 Aug 2020 1692

NEB Board

Abuse of authority in SEE Assessment:

The school has been found to have misused the right provided to evaluate (assessment) the students of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) of 2076 BS. A comparison of the results of the last three years confirms that the teacher has abused their authority.

When there was no examination conducted due to Coronavirus (Covid-19); the teacher of the concerned school Provided the marks and sent it to the Education Development and Coordination Unit, the Unit sent it to the National Examination Board (NEB). The Board certifies it and issues the certificate. It has been found that the school has given more marks than the student's ability.

The board has converted the marks sent by the school into alphabetical order. It has been found that there are 78,109 students who get a GPA of 3.6 to 4.0 in the SEE of 2076 BS. While the GPA of 3.6 to 4.0 was 18 thousand 37 in 2074 BS and 17 thousand 580 in 2075 BS.

GPA Number of Students
2074 BS 2075 BS 2076 BS
3.6- 4.0 18037 17580 78109
4.0 74 106 9309

Last year's results were analyzed as unnatural. According to the Examination Control Office, there were about 453,000 students in 2074 BS, 459,000 in 2075 BS, and 482,000 in 2076 BS. In the SEE of 2076, there were nine thousand 309 obtained GPA of 4.0. While in 2074 BS there were 74 people and in 2075 BS there were 106 people.

Total Number of Students
2074 BS 2075 BS 2076 BS
4,53,000 4,59,000 4,82,000

Chairman of the National Examination Board (NEB) Prof. Dr. Chandramani Poudel said the board has not given the right to verify. He said that the verification was done on the basis of what was sent by the school.

The school has evaluated the students based on the final results of class-10. Some schools did not take the final exam and were sent with the estimated marks they could get if they joined the SEE exam, while some gave higher marks under the pressure of students and parents. Some schools took it as a golden opportunity and gave high marks.

According to the results obtained from the Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE), in the year 2076, the school has assessed the highest GPA of students between 2.4 and 2.8.

Six months have passed since the effects of Covid-19. The class-12 examination, which was postponed at that time, is still not in a condition to be conducted. Therefore, the method adopted by the government at that time to prepare the results of SEE was in line with good intentions and practice in the world, but the result seems unnatural due to the wrong intentions of the teachers.

Board Chairman Dr. Poudel said that the board did not conduct the examination and did not compare the results with the current ones.
