ACIE Education Fair Concludes in Kathmandu

News 22 May 2022 1181

ACIE Education Fair Concluded

A joint venture between ACIE (Advisory Center for International Education), LA (Little Angels College), and Global Study Partners, targeting students who want to study in English-speaking countries, mainly the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Ireland; The "ACIE Education Fair" is organized in front of the representatives of the best universities.

The target of various courses: Scholarship facility along with 'GRE', 'IELTS', university and educational institution selection, for study purposes; The "ACIE Education Fair" was organized on Wednesday, May 18 at Little Angels College, Hattiban, Kathmandu with the objective of providing the students with all the information about the expenses incurred while traveling to the international university and college.

"We have provided an opportunity for students interested in international studies to benefit from the same event through direct engagement with university representatives in that country"; Sabin Joshi of ACIE (Advisory Center for International Education) informed.

Top universities and educational institutions from five countries, such as the University of Canada from the United States and Canada, Algoma, Nipissing, Bridgeport, Oswego, St. Cloud State, San Francisco State University, University of North Texas, Apply Board; Also, talk directly with representatives from the best universities, colleges, and institutes in the UK and Ireland from Greenwich, Bradford, Aberdeen, USA, Canada, Ireland, and Australia. Anil Shrestha, Country Director of Global Study Partners, requested that the problem be resolved.

Top universities and educational institutions from five countries, such as the University of Canada from the United States and Canada, Algoma, Nipissing, Bridgeport, Oswego, St. Cloud State, San Francisco State University, University of North Texas, Apply Board; Also from the UK and Ireland are Greenwich, Bradford, International College Dundee, De Montfort University, Aberdeen, Coventry, Oxford International, Chester, Griffith College Ireland, Study Group and ECA (Education Center of Australia) in Australia, Representatives from Sydney Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Southern Cross University, International College of Management, Albright Institute, Australian College of Trade-Ecote, Navitas and others were present.
