Award Distributed on the Occasion of 87th Bhupi Jayanti

News 26 Dec 2021 1196

At the award ceremony held on the occasion of the 87th Bhupi Jayanti, Krishna Prasad Gautam, Chief of Galkot Multiple Campus and Kaji Roshan, President of the Foundation jointly presented cash and certificate to Daya Sherchan, a representative of the library. The prize money is Rs. 25,000. The foundation has stated that the library has been awarded for its support in the upliftment and promotion of language and literature established in the memory of Bhupi Sherchan.

Speaking on the occasion, Campus Chief Gautam recalled poet Bhupi Sherchan as a distinguished genius of Nepali literature. He said that the contribution made by Bhupi Sherchan to the flourishing of Nepali literature born in Dhawalagiri region was incomparable.

Speaking after receiving the award, Sherchan said that the prize money would be spent on the institutional development of the library. Established in 2057 BS, the library has been conducting Bhupi Jayanti celebrations, poetry seminars and other literary activities since the construction of Bhupi's statue. The Foundation has been awarding Bhupi Award every year to literary / cultural institutions and creators in turn. Earlier, Thakali Samaj Butwal had received the award from the institutional side in 2076 BS.

The Creator's Award was given to Sukum Sharma, a writer and critic born in Syangja last year, and Prof. Dr. Sudha Tripathi, a writer and then head of education at Tribhuvan University in 2075 BS.
