CBS Required 6303 Manpower for National Agriculture Census 2078

News 24 Feb 2022 21395

CBS Required 6303 Manpower for National Agriculture Census 2078

Preparations have started for the national agricultural census to be held six months after the completion of the national census. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), this time the agriculture census is being prepared in the coming Baishakh. This is the seventh agricultural census.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has informed that the process of hiring supervisors and enumerators for the national agricultural census has started. According to CBS, 5,023 enumerators (Ganak) will be deployed for the agricultural census across the country. A total of 1,280 supervisors will be deployed to facilitate them.

Director Karki said that the census will be conducted in the same year as the completion of the national census. The agriculture census was first conducted in Nepal in 2018 BS. Since then, such calculations have been done every 10 years.

A questionnaire has been prepared by including two dozen questions during the agricultural census. CBS has informed that all the details related to agriculture will be obtained from the agricultural census. The questionnaire has been prepared to cover the details of cultivable land, manure used in the land, and pesticides. Nepal is an agricultural country. Karki said the census would help in showing the contribution of agriculture to the economy in statistics.

In the agricultural census, details related to the agricultural structure, activities, and agricultural production of each district of Nepal are collected. Data will be collected on the basis of land used by farmers, consumption, and use of land, the area under crops and production of crops, irrigation, number of livestock, use of agricultural implements, manpower involved in agriculture.

From this, the data required by the country in planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the agriculture sector will be available. If the farmer has taken a loan for agricultural purposes, the details will also be collected. Even if the loan has been repaid by the day before the calculation, such details will not be kept.

During the agricultural census, as in the census, the enumerator will not reach every household. According to the department, 3.5 million households across the country will be selected as representative households. The enumerators will reach the selected houses and fill in the details.

In the census, enumerators are sent to reach every household. Data is collected from a large-scale sample in the agricultural census. The data will be analyzed by averaging the data obtained in this way. In this process, CBS says that the sample will be selected covering every region of the country. This will find the pocket area of ​​agriculture.

In the past, the ward was generally considered as an area and the details were collected by selecting a sample. The enumerator will reach the selected families and bring the details while the supervisors will collect the details from the community questionnaire.

The Central Bureau of Statistics will be able to recruit enumerators and supervisors within 25 Chaitra. A week-long training is conducted for them from 25 Chaitra. After that, the department is preparing to deploy in the field.

The department has decided to deploy enumerators in the field with a time limit of 45 days. As the enumerators will get leave on 25th Jestha, the department is preparing to complete the enumeration work before that.

It is estimated that around Rs 1 billion will be spent on agriculture. Most of these will be in the remuneration of enumerators. The personal details taken in the agricultural census will be kept secret by the department and only the data will be made public.

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