Education Should be Linked with Skills, Production and Employment - Education Minister Poudel

News 20 Dec 2021 1251

Education Minister Devendra Poudel

Minister for Education, Science and Technology Devendra Poudel, who is also the Vice-Chancellor of Tribhuvan University, expressed concern over the compulsion of our skilled manpower to go abroad in search of employment. He said that the time has come to think about whether the knowledge and skills learned in Nepal are limited to certificates only.

Speaking at the 47th Convocation of Tribhuvan University, Minister Poudel said, "Could it be that the educational programs and subjects of our university have not been able to match the needs of our life?" It is time to think that we have not been able to translate the knowledge and skills we have learned into practice by limiting them to certificates only.

He also suggested the students to use the skills they have learned to improve their personal and social life.

He pointed out the need to make the learned knowledge practical and useful by adapting to the changing global environment and local needs. He emphasized on the need to integrate the learned skills into a single formula of national development. Minister Poudel clarified that Nepal has not been able to move ahead as expected in the pace of development due to its inability to use the available resources wisely despite being culturally, geographically and naturally diverse and prosperous.

He urged the Tribhuvan University to answer the question that the country will not be built and the country will be built and to reduce unemployment and poverty. Giving the impetus to make the research-oriented institution more effective, Minister for Education Paulel stressed on the need for Tribhuvan University to provide education that can be sold in the world market according to Nepali specialties.

He pointed out the need to link education with skills and skills with production and employment. Minister Poudel stressed on the need to stop the huge amount of money being spent abroad in the name of education.

Tribhuvan University