Federation Of Contractors' Associations of Nepal (FCAN) Election Schedule

News 07 Mar 2022 3403

Federation Of Contractors Associations of Nepal (FCAN) Election Schedule

Federation Of Contractors' Associations Of Nepal - FCAN [Nepal Nirman Byabasayi Sangh), Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Office of the Chief Electoral Officer notice for Election Program Schedule.

In the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Contractors' Associations of Nepal (FCAN) to be held on 27th and 28th Falgun, 2078 at Nepal Pragya Pratisthan, Kamaladi, Kathmandu, the office bearers of the Working Committee As the election of the members is scheduled to be held on Sunday, Falgun 29, 2078; For this purpose, according to Rule 6.2 of the Election Rules 2075 of FCAN, the following election program has been published.

1) In order to be a candidate for the post of FCAN office bearer, one has to submit at least one term of office as an office-bearer or member of the FCAN working committee or one term of office as the chairperson or office bearer of the province or district association.

2) In order to be a member candidate of FCAN working committee, one must have completed one term in the working committee of FCAN, Province Association, or District Association, and in the case of Associate, one must submit one term as FCAN General Assembly Representative on behalf of FCAN Associate.

3) You have to submit a summons to FCAN to pay any amount.

4) The construction company must have completed 10 years of obtaining the license, FCAN, or its member associations or at least 10 years of completion of the membership of FCAN.

5) In the case of a candidate representing a backward area specified by the Government of Nepal, a construction business license must be obtained by completing five years of FCAN or its member associations or at least five financial years having completed the membership of FCAN.

6) When you come to vote or to nominate, you have to bring the official identity card issued by the government body with a photo.

7) Mobile phones and cameras are prohibited in polling booths.

8) The Chief Electoral Officer may manipulate the election program as required.

9) Other arrangements related to the election of office-bearers and members of FCAN shall be as specified in the Constitution of Nepal Construction Entrepreneur FCAN 2054 (including Tenth Amendment 2075) and Election Rules 2075 of FCAN.

(First published date: 2078-11-21)
