Gauri Tamu's Memoir Titled 'My Experience in Lockdown' Won First Prize

News 12 Aug 2020 652

Gauri Tamu's Memoir Titled 'My Experience in Lockdown' Won First Prize:

Gauri Tamu's memoir titled 'My Experience in Lockdown' has won the first place in the provincial level Lockdown Memorial Competition-2077 organized by the International Nepali Literary Society (ANESAS) Nepal Gandaki Committee to make writers creative in Lockdown.

Similarly BS Nirab’s ‘Corona! The memoir titled 'Which Country am I a Refugee' came in second and the memoir titled 'Future with Corona Havoc' by Taranath Parajuli came in third.

In the competition, Kanti Poudel, Dr. Kalu Sharma Subedi, Kushum Keshav Parajuli, Gagan Thapa Magar, Gopal Khanal, Tilak Poudel, Dilip Doshi, Lily Adhikari Tripathi, Sandeep Khatri, and Suman Shrapit have made it to the top 10.

ANESAS Gandaki had first published the information of the memoir call on 17th Baishakh 2077. According to the information, 37 memoirs have been compiled by extending the time period by 35 days till 3rd Shrawan, 2077 BS, said Gandaki General Secretary Asfal Gautam.

Thirteen memoirs selected from the Preliminary Selection Committee of Program Coordinator and Gandaki State Coordinator Sarita Aryal, Gandaki Chairperson Durga Bahadur Shah Baba, and General Secretary Asfal Gautam were submitted to the Evaluation Committee for final results.

A three-member judging committee comprising Sahityakar Pratik Dhakal, Vidhan Acharya, and Prabha Baral awarded the first place to Tamu's memoir of INLSG-F code, second to Nirab's memoir of INLSG-J code and third to Taranath Parajuli's memoir of INLSG-G code. The decision of the adjudicating committee was approved by the recent meeting of the Gandaki Committee.

The first-place won Rs 11,111, second place winner won Rs 5,555 and third place won Rs 3,333 in cash, and the top 10 will get a certificate of excellence, said Chairperson Durga Bahadur Shah Baba.

Program Coordinator Aryal congratulated the winners and expressed his gratitude to all who cooperated in the competition.

Expressing gratitude to all those who have contributed directly and indirectly to make the competition a success, Ghayal Shri said that the state committee is in the process of publishing work with excellent memoirs in the near future.
