Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Preparing to Publish Vacancy advertisement till Poush

News 23 Sep 2021 7822

Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog (Province Public Service Commission Karnali Pradesh) is preparing to publish advertisements to fill the vacancies by end of Poush 2078. According to the officials of the Provincial Public Service Commission (PPSC Karnali), preparations are being made to publish advertisements to fill the vacancies till the month of Poush. Upadhyaya has said that the first phase of advertisement will be done within this fiscal year.

Province Public Service Commission Karnali Pradesh is preparing to publish the first phase of an advertisement within the month of Poush as much as possible.

Province Public Service Commission Karnali Pradesh has sent the Public Service Commission Act to the Provincial Assembly for amendment. The Act was sent to the Provincial Assembly to rectify the situation. However, it has not been passed yet. At present, the work of collecting data on the number of vacancies in Karnali has reached about 50 percent.

In other states, public service commissions have been formed and advertisements have been called for to alleviate the staff shortage in Karnali province. In Karnali, the Public Service Commission has not been able to publish advertisements even though it has been appointed official.

Even after a long time has passed since the appointment of the officials in the Provincial Public Service Commission, the task of producing the required skilled manpower by making proper use of the authority has not been able to move forward.

Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Karnali Pradesh