Lok Sewa Aayog Published 61st Annual Report

News 31 Dec 2020 1527

Lok Sewa Aayog 61st Annual Report

Lok Sewa Aayog Published 61st Annual Report:

Regarding the 61st Annual Report submitted by the Public Service Commission to the Hon'ble President: In accordance with the provisions of Article 294 of the Constitution of Nepal, the 61st Annual Report has been submitted to the Hon'ble President on Thursday, December 3, 2077 BS.

This is the sixth and final report after the appointment of the current officers of the Commission. The tenure of all the office bearers of the commission is coming to an end on April 25. Therefore, the Commission expects that appropriate steps will be taken to appoint the officials of the Commission in a timely manner so as not to stall the process of filling up the posts of civil servants, security agencies, and organizations.

In this report, suggestions have been made on the work to be done by the commission regarding the filling of posts, the work is done under the advisory role of the commission, review of the implementation of past suggestions and reforms in the public service.

Summary of the work done by the Commission during the fiscal year 2076/77:

  • During the reporting period, 684 promotion notices, 92 internal competitive advertisements, 157 open competitive advertisements, and 334 advertisements of various inclusive groups have been advertised for a total of 4,754 posts.
  • In the published advertisements, 4,007 applications have been received for promotion and 4,51,526 applications have been received through the internal and open online system.
  • In the advertisements, 1,002 sets for civil service and local service posts, 2,186 sets for security agencies and organizations, and 18 sets for district judges have been prepared for the selection of candidates.
  • A total of 93,012 candidates, including 35,866 women and 57,146 men, took part in the examination for various posts in the civil service. A total of 3,06,319 candidates, including 1,54,002 women and 1,52,317 men, appeared for the local service written test.
  • Only 14.2% of the candidates were selected for the second phase-out of the first round of examinations for the posts of Branch Officer and Deputy Subba or similar.
  • No candidate could pass the examination for a total of 12 posts in 8 advertisements.
  • If 304 candidates are recommended for permanent appointments in the civil service, the number of recommendations has been reduced this year due to the postponement of examinations due to the COVID epidemic. In the local service, 8,639 candidates were recommended for a permanent appointment during the reporting period.
  • A total of 103 appointments have been recommended for inclusive posts during this period In the 13 years including this reporting period, a total of 21,649 candidates have been recommended from all-inclusive groups
  • The security agencies and organizations agreed to advertise for 20,371 posts in 4 security agencies and 29 organizations. In the written test, 41,824 women and 74,473 men, including 1,16,297, 5,502 women and 12, 18,049 candidates including 547 men were selected for interview.
  • During this period, 7 new syllabi for various posts of officer level have been formulated and 16 syllabi of different categories have been modified.

Suggestions and implementation for improvement in public service:

  • This situation has gradually improved as concerns have been expressed in past annual reports that the commission's advisory role has only been formalized or that the constitutional provision has been ignored. However, some issues have not been consulted, the report said
  • Various suggestions have been made to manage the institutional structure in order to coordinate between the third level administrative mechanisms in line with the federal structure and to make the service flow effective by eliminating the shortcomings in the existing administrative procedures.
  • Similarly, the suggestions given in the last three annual reports for inclusion in the Federal Civil Service Act have been taken seriously and represented in this report with the expectation that the Government of Nepal will formulate the law.
  • The Commission has expressed its gratitude to the Committee on State Management and Good Governance of the House of Representatives for initiating the good work of discussing the reports of the Commission.

Thursday, Poush 16, 2077

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


