Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Publishes Press Release

News 11 Jan 2022 3470

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Publishes Press Release

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Publishes Press Release: Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province, Butwal

Province Public Service Commission Advertisement No. FRT-54001-5 4007 / 2078-79 Province Under Civil Service Nepal Forest Service, General Forestry Group, Non-Category, Open and Inclusive side of Forest Guard post. The Commission has drawn serious attention to the photo and subject matter of the second phase of the written examination conducted Date 2078-09-24, 2:00 pm at Kendra Hat Bazaar Line, Butwal, Kanti Secondary School ( B).

In this regard, in accordance with the working procedure of the Commission and the provisions of the guidelines approved by the Commission, the Assistant Central Chairpersons and Inspectors will assign the answer sheets, sort the answer sheets, cut the blanks in the blank space of the objective examination, Taufiq Ansari, a resident of Bara Simraungadh Municipality, Ward No. 3, Roll No. 17519, who was present at the center to conduct the examination while the employees were performing the above duties, said that It was found that the photo was taken with the ugly intention of humiliating the employees and sent the photo to other people in violation of the law. And since the examinee realized his mistake and applied to the commission for admitting the mistake and the employees working in the center have humiliated him in such a way, he also requested the commission to take action against his examinee.

Examiner Taufiq Ansari has committed an offense as per sub-section (3) of section 38 of the Provincial Public Service Commission Act, 2076; He has been restricted from being a candidate for two years in the examination conducted by the Commission as per sub-section (3) of the same section. It has been decided from the meeting of the Commission dated 2078-09-27 to provide the information to all the Provincial Public Service Commissions and also to the Public Service Commission.


Lumbini Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Butwal, Butwal

Estd. 2019


