MEC Adopted Percentile System in the Results of the Common Entrance Examination (MECEE)

News 27 Mar 2022 4191

Medical Education Commission Notice

MEC Adopted Percentile System in the Results of the Common Entrance Examination (MECEE): Medical Education Commission notice Regarding the information of the percentile system to be adopted in the results of the Common entrance examination (MECEE):

In order to be included in the qualifying order of the results of the Common Entrance Examination (MECEE) of different levels of medical education, one should have a minimum of 50 percentile and above. Stakeholders are requested to inform the Commission about the arrangements made in the said procedure through various means and for the information of all concerned regarding the details clarified as per the details.


1) Percentile system is in international practice and practice including neighboring countries and the percentage system will be suitable for competitive examination.

2) Based on the suggestions received from the stakeholders and the report suggested by the last year's results study task force.

3) At least fifty percent of the candidates who have participated in the examination will be eligible for the study while adopting a percentile system in the results.

4) In order to discourage the examinee from answering only on the basis of conjecture without understanding the subject matter, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

5) Due to the negative marking, the results given by the percentile system will not be different in the qualification order.

Medical Education Commission (MEC) Notice