Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Regular Bulletin Part 256 (2078 Falgun 1)

News 13 Feb 2022 10993

Ministry of Education

Government of Nepal Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Education and Human Resource Development Center School Education Activities-51 (Part 256)

In the current fiscal year 2078/79, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Center for Education and Human Resource Development has provided information on the provision of disadvantaged targeted scholarships. A program is being implemented to identify the financial condition of the students studying in the university and give scholarships to those students.

For the purpose of obtaining the scholarship, this information has been published for the students studying in classes 8 and 10 to fill the PMT (Proxy Means Testing) form and the concerned schools. For this, the following procedure has to be completed.

1) The school will have to go to the website of Education and Human Resource Development Center and download the PMT form.

2) The school should print the form and make it available to the students/parents who are willing to fill the form.

3) The concerned student should submit all the details mentioned in the form available from the school to the headmaster of his / her school after verifying the truth from the parents.

4) The form submitted by the concerned student/parent should be recommended by the headmaster and submitted to the concerned ward or local level for verification.

5) The school has followed the above-mentioned points 1, 2, and 3 by logging in to the PMT Forms Education and Human Resource Development Center and clicking the Export button under PMT Download PMT Template and fill in all the details in that template.

6) Forms certified by the concerned ward or local level should be kept safe by the school.

7) Concerned schools and students will have to fill up the PMT form by mid-February. All the student details received by the concerned school should go to and upload the PMT Template within Chaitra 1 to Chaitra 30 days. It will be the responsibility of the local level to facilitate this. Forms uploaded before or after the deadline will not be accepted.

8) To verify the details of the student receiving the scholarship and to keep in touch with the headmaster of the school till the money is deposited in the student's account; If the details are incorrect, the school will have to go to and correct the name and contact number of the headmaster in their profile.

9) Every school that fills the PMT form should go to their profile and keep SEE code if class 10 is operated and SLCE code if class 12 is operated. If these details are not available then the PMT form of that school cannot be taken in the process of calculation.

10) The school should fill in all the details in PMT Tazhubitav, verify that the filled details have been verified and uploaded. Once uploaded, it cannot be re-uploaded.

11) Scholarship-filled community or religious and traditional schools should have Reza in their profile in the palace of community and religious and traditional schools. If a school has been given institutional leave, the result of that school will be rejected.

12) If words like Academy are added in the name of a community or religious and traditional school full of scholarships, such school should write as Public in its profile. Otherwise, the result of that school will be rejected.

13) Only the details of the students filled by IEMIS school will appear in the PMT Template. The name of the new student cannot be included in the template and if additional details are found then the form of that school will be canceled.

14) The students of class 8 who were selected as eligible for a scholarship from the students who filled PMT form were admitted in class 9 in the academic session of 2079, the students of class 10 got the result in SEE examination of 2078 and after getting admission in class 11 in 2079 they got the scholarship in the same academic session. Will do Only students studying in community schools will receive disadvantaged targeted scholarships.

15. Local level, schools, teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders who want to get more information about the scholarship can download the poorly targeted scholarship implementation criteria, 2078 from the website of Education and Human Resource Development Center


Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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