NEB Notice Regarding Exam Fees of Class 11

News 07 Aug 2020 3533

National Examination Board - NEB

NEB Notice Regarding Exam Fees of Class 11:

Government of Nepal, National Examination Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Notice regarding examination fee of Class 11

As the school conducts the annual examination of class 11 as provided in the class 11 examination operation, management, evaluation, result publication, and certification procedure, 2077, the students have informed the board through the concerned school regarding the students who have already paid the examination fee to participate in class 11 annual examination. To deduct Rs. 200 from the submitted examination fee of Rs. 600 for the expenses incurred during the preparation of the examination. The remaining Rs. 400 will be adjusted in the annual examination fee of class 12 to be conducted next year in the case of regular examinees.

This notice has been published for the information of all concerned as it has been decided to adjust the examination fee for the partial / grade increment candidates if they participate in the annual examination conducted by the board and for the certificate fee of class 12 for the students who do not participate in the examination.

P.S .: The State Examination Management / Branch Offices of the Board are advised to inform the schools, teachers, parents, and students within their respective areas on the basis of this information.


NEB - National Examinations Board

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1990



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