No Admission Process of Students until the Result Published - CTEVT

News 17 Oct 2020 2301

CTEVT Building

No Admission Process of Students until the Result Published - CTEVT:

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Urgent notice regarding no admission of candidates until the result is published:

As per the notice of the CTEVT office dated 2077-05-26, application forms have been requested from the students who want to study technical education at Diploma / Certificate level and on 2077-05-30 at various pre-diploma level programs and academic sessions from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Government of Nepal. For the admission process of the candidates who have filled the application form for full fee and classified (free) scholarship as called by the public in 2077-07-05.

Work is underway to publish the list of applicants for full fee and classified (free) scholarships for admission from the Examination Control Office and all the 7 Provincial Offices of the Council. When it is heard that some educational institutions have admitted students. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned not to process the admission of the candidates till the public notice of recommendation for death is issued by the concerned provincial offices.

This notice has been published on the website of the Official Information Council for the information of all concerned regarding the non-enrollment of the examinees and the parents and the non-compliance of the educational institutions. If any educational institution is found to have admitted the candidates before the publication of the results by the concerned provincial office, legal action is requested in accordance with the council's Act, rules, regulations, and guidelines related to admission and prevailing law.

It can also be viewed on the Information Council's website at

(Notice published on 2077-07-01)
