Notice Regarding MOU for IT Lab in Selected Community Schools

News 13 Sep 2019 4168

Notice Regarding MOU for IT Lab in Selected Community Schools

Notice Regarding Establishment of Information Technology Laboratory (IT Lab) in Selected Community Schools. Ask to contact the authority to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with selected community schools in the relationship.

In relation to setting up Information Technology Laboratory by this authority, this authority has been appointed by OBCI / MAX for the purpose of establishing Information Technology Laboratory in selected schools in accordance with the Information Technology Laboratory Establishment and Management Act, 2075, from the proposals received from the community schools as per the information published on 2075/09/01. / NEPA is selected. In the same procedure, I have been assigned the authority, the duties and the officers of the school. As this authority and the selected schools have to do with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding this work, duties and rights, it is requested to contact the official of the concerned school (Chairman or Principal of the management committee) as per the details. It is also requested to arrange classroom, furniture and 30A electricity for the establishment of laboratory.

(First Published Date: 2076/05/27)
