One Thousand Community Schools Tech-friendly

News 21 Sep 2019 4910

IT Labs in Community School


Within 6 months, a thousand community schools will become information technology-friendly. The government is setting up an 'information technology laboratory' in selected secondary schools across the country. The school has been selected for this. The Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NEA) has been informed that the selected schools have been invited to form a bilateral agreement (MoU) for a week according to the province.

It is mentioned that the establishment of 'Information Technology Laboratory' has been put forward in order to make the teaching methods in the community schools quality and competitive in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Nepal Telecommunication Authority. A spokesman for the authority, Minprad Aryal, said that a laboratory is being set up to make maximum use of information and technology and to make community schools technology-friendly. According to the policy of the Government of Nepal, all community schools across the country will be made technology-friendly. In the first phase, a thousand schools have gone ahead with the selection. It is also mentioned that the remaining school authorities will be re-election next year.

NEA is spending Rs 3.5 billion to set up such an information laboratory within the next six months. NEA seeks to improve the education of the community schools by setting up an Information Technology (IT) Laboratory and setting up a management procedure 2075. The working procedure of this laboratory is mentioned in order to increase access to information technology in the community schools and to eliminate the differences between the private and public schools in which it is used.

Information technology will be used in school teaching methods and facilities for urban and rural areas and to bring community schools, private and community mitigation School low quality, competitive and skilled production community schools, community schools in rural and remote areas. After the establishment of the laboratory, it will be helpful to increase the attractiveness of the students in the community schools.

The Authority has chosen the equipment connecting the company to set up the lab. The OBCI/ Max / Nepa JVCo company has been selected. It has signed an agreement with the company for Rs. 3.48 billion to operate the laboratory at 930 community schools in seven provinces, including transportation of goods, connections, communication, and technology. The company has been given 6 months’ time to supply the necessary technical materials to the selected school. In the remaining 70 schools, the Government of Nepal has already started the work of connecting with the necessary technical equipment for setting up a laboratory.

The contract with the selected schools has started in September. NEA has issued a notification and called on the selected schools to sign an agreement to establish a laboratory. NEA has set a schedule for the agreement with the school within the first week of November. According to the authority, the information technology laboratory has been chosen to establish the province. Under 3 the school must sign the contract by September third week.

Source: Annapurnapost
