Presidential Educational Reform Program being Implemented

News 18 Mar 2021 1496

Presidential Educational Reform Program being Implemented:

The meeting of the Steering Committee of the President's Educational Reform Program has directed to select the application received for the program and implement it immediately. A meeting chaired by Education, Science and Technology Minister Krishna Gopal Shrestha on Monday directed the distribution of the budget on the basis of urgency and priority.

As per the new information called for the program, the number of schools applying has reached five thousand 393. The Education Development and Human Resource Center has stated that 677 applications have been received from the local level. There are still 76 local levels to apply. Rs. 5.55 billion has been allocated for the program.

The meeting has decided to prepare a plan to spend on the construction of physical infrastructure of the school, infrastructure development, toilets, distribution of sports materials, and other issues. Director-General of the Center, Vaikuntha Aryal, informed that the applications were received for building construction, classroom maintenance, playground, sports equipment, development of computer and information technology, computer lab, sanitation, and drinking water, and student dormitory.

The center said it would spend on building data centers to develop infrastructure for the use of technology in education, grants for building rockets and satellites built by Nepali students, HIV-infected schools, educational institutions with inclusive education programs, and ICT labs.

Out of the approved budget for the Fiscal Year 2077/78, Rs. 267 million has been spent on Covid-19 contingency fund, Rs. 113.7 million for the lunch program and Rs. 66.50 million has been spent on lab management in technical schools. A plan is being prepared to spend Rs. 5.55 billion in the current fiscal year, said Aryal.
