Prez Bhandari Wishes On the Occasion of the 2621st Birth Anniversary of Mahavir

News 14 Apr 2022 917

On the occasion of the 2621st birth anniversary of Mahavir, the promoter of Jainism, President Vidyadevi Bhandari has wished happiness, peace, and prosperity to all Jains.

It is hoped that the implementation of Mahavir's guidelines for the welfare of the people will help in maintaining mutual harmony and tolerance among religious, social, and cultural diversity as well as in promoting lasting peace and non-violence.

It is believed that Mahavir Jayanti will inspire everyone to build a just, civilized, cultured, and progressive society by ending the existing superstitions, distortions, anomalies, and discrimination in the society.

The birth anniversary of Mahavira, who has shown the way to peace for the welfare of all mankind, is celebrated every year on the day of Chait Shukla Triodashi with various programs by the followers of the Jain religion from all over the world including Nepal.

Mahavira formulated for his followers the five paths of salvation - truth, non-violence, celibacy, infallibility, and non-aggression, and he himself followed these principles. He practiced non-violence and restraint. Thus the confluence of thoughts and behaviors expressed in Mahavira's life always guides human life.
