Radio Nepal Celebrated 71st Anniversary

News 02 Apr 2021 1009

Radio Nepal Celebrated the 71st Anniversary:

Radio Broadcasting Service Development Committee (Radio Nepal), the country's oldest broadcasting organization, has completed a seven-decade-long journey from today. Radio Nepal has launched on 20 Chaitra 2007 BS with the first message of the establishment of democracy on this day from a 250-watt shortwave transmitter. Although it has been providing an umbrella radio service for almost 50 years after going through the ups and downs of political change, the establishment of other FM stations in 2054 BS added to the challenge of being competitive.

It is currently competing with more than 650 radio stations. Although there may be some limitations as it is a government-run radio, there is no doubt that it should be a voiceless voice.

Informing that according to the Economic Survey of 2076 BS and 77 BS, the access of radio has reached 87 percent of the people, Buddhi Bahadur KC, Executive Director of the organization, expressed his commitment to make radio a meaningful public welfare broadcasting organization by producing quality programs and institutional development.

Radio Nepal is in dire need of making itself competitive with other broadcasters and improving the quality of news and programs. However, Radio Nepal is still synonymous with remote people. Respect for the right to freedom of expression and right to information. It is clear from 2041.

Minister for Communications and Information Technology Parbat Gurung says that although Radio Nepal has moved forward with a new strategy and is becoming more mature and responsible, it is still necessary to bring more reform programs. He suggests that the minister or the government should not be afraid to ask any questions while producing news on the issues of public concern.

Safal Radio Nepal, which started broadcasting its first FM in Nepal in 2052 BS, has started broadcasting additional FM relays from Charikot in Dolakha from the second week of April. At the same time, the number of Radio Nepal's FM relay stations has reached 24 so far. It is said that the central and provincial broadcasts can be heard separately from the other six medium web stations and online. In the context of the Government of Nepal's policy of providing radio service to 100 percent of the country, it is necessary for the national heritage radio to develop technology, institutional reform, and quality programs accordingly. As the Government of Nepal has taken a policy to transform Radio Nepal into a public broadcasting medium, it is necessary to change it rapidly.
