Gaushala Municipality Vacancy for Teachers (Primary, Secondary and Lower Secondary)

Vacancy 02 Aug 2022 8916

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Gaushala Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Gaushala, Mahottari, Madhes Province, Nepal Regarding filling up the post of city teacher in contract service

Since there is a need to fill the post of city teacher in contract service through an open competition for the posts mentioned in the list in various public schools under Gaushala Municipality. From the interested Nepali citizens who have qualified based on the details of the list, within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of the notice.

This notice is published to submit the application form in the office of this municipality.

1) Educational Qualification:- In the case of teachers, they should be as determined by Rule 9 of the Teachers Service Commission (Tenth Amendment) Regulations.

2) Documents to be submitted:- Copy of Nepali citizenship, Copy of educational qualification, Copy of teaching permit, Document of work experience, 3 copies of passport size photograph.

3) Application fees:- Rs.1500/- (one thousand five hundred) for secondary level, Rs.1000/- (one thousand) for lower secondary level, Rs.700/- (seven hundred) for primary level.

4) Age:- Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years.

5) Last date to apply:- 29-4-2079.

6) Selection Process:- Written and Interview and Experimental.

7) Exam date:- It will be published later.

8) Service facilities:- According to the agreement of the municipality.

9) In the case of things not mentioned in this, it will be in accordance with the procedures related to teaching assistance grants of Gaushala Municipality, 2075, and the prevailing laws.

10) For detailed information, the Gaushala municipality website can be viewed at

Note: No action will be taken on applications that are not submitted properly and are registered before the deadline.

Government Job School Job Teaching Jobs Mahottari Madhesh Pradesh