Government Initiatives for Higher Education Reforms and Quality Enhancement

News 22 May 2023 831

Ministry of Education

Government Initiatives for Higher Education Reforms and Quality Enhancement

The government is taking significant steps to address the challenges in higher education and propose effective solutions. The formation of a Higher Education Commission and the passing of the Federal Education Act are among the key measures undertaken. These initiatives aim to improve access to quality education, promote innovation, and enhance the overall educational landscape of the country.

Establishment of Higher Education Commission

  • The government has announced the formation of a Higher Education Commission to address issues and provide concrete recommendations for higher education.
  • This commission will build upon the previous efforts of the National Education Commission, established five years ago, whose report is yet to be made public.
  • The government recognizes the importance of a dedicated body to address the specific needs and challenges of higher education.

Passing of the Federal Education Act

  • The government has pledged to pass the long-awaited Federal Education Act during this parliamentary session.
  • Despite eight years since the promulgation of the new constitution, the law has not been enacted, with the education act of 2028 currently in effect.
  • The government is committed to fulfilling its promise and overcoming the delays in enacting the necessary legislation.

Enhancing Access to Quality Education

  • Special programs will be conducted for marginalized communities such as Dalits, minorities, economically vulnerable, and disabled children.
  • The government aims to increase access to quality education at the basic level through targeted policies and programs.
  • The distribution of scholarships in the education sector will be streamlined through a one-door system, ensuring equal opportunities for deserving students.
  • The mid-day meal program will be expanded gradually, providing nutritious meals to students in need.

Improving Teaching Profession and School Infrastructure

  • The government plans to create a special package to dignify and attract more professionals to the teaching profession.
  • Teacher posts will be reviewed based on subject and student ratio, ensuring an adequate number of teachers in schools.
  • Subject-wise skilled teacher positions will be established in community schools at the local level under the campaign 'Our School, Make a Better School.'
  • Grants and service facilities will be provided to employees working in public schools, addressing their needs and enhancing the overall educational environment.

Embracing Technology and Innovation

  • The government aims to establish at least one smart school in every local level, promoting technology-enabled teaching and learning.
  • National standards for student evaluation will be formulated, ensuring uniform assessment practices across the country.
  • An innovation and invention fund will be established to encourage research, innovation, and science education.
  • The government recognizes the importance of technology and innovation in transforming education and preparing students for the future.

Restructuring Higher Education Institutions and Improving Educational Quality

  • The government plans to restructure institutions offering higher education within each province, bringing them under the umbrella of a single university.
  • This restructuring aims to streamline the higher education system and ensure easy access for all aspiring students.
  • Prioritizing the enterprise and employment-oriented aspects of higher education is a key focus, along with enhancing educational quality, manpower management, and the educational calendar.

Holistic Approach to Education

  • The government acknowledges the importance of holistic development and well-being of individuals.
  • Yoga and meditation will be included in the curriculum of schools and higher education institutions, fostering physical, mental, and intellectual growth.
  • Medical education institutions will operate under the Integrated Umbrella Act to expand medical education systematically, and the necessary bill will be submitted to Parliament.

Overall, The government's comprehensive policy and program outline numerous initiatives to reform higher education, improve educational quality, and enhance access to education for all. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to addressing longstanding challenges, promoting innovation, and ensuring a brighter future for the education sector.

Published on 22 May 2023
