Government Reconstructed 7,272 Community Schools

News 26 Sep 2022 1162

Ministry of Education

The government has reconstructed more than 7,000 community schools that were damaged by the earthquake. The government has completed the construction of 7,272 schools out of the schools that were damaged in the 2072 earthquake.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has said that in the last one year, about 6,000 classrooms have been constructed in public schools. Out of the 7,583 schools that were damaged in the 2072 earthquake, the ministry has completed the construction of 661 more schools in the last financial year. Along with this, 7 thousand 272 schools have been completed so far.

According to the Ministry of Education, 5980 classrooms in community schools were constructed in the financial year 2078/79. According to the Ministry, digital libraries and IT labs were managed in 2181 schools in the last financial year.

Similarly, funds have been transferred to the local level for the establishment of information technology laboratories in 1012 schools.

The Ministry of Education has also advanced the construction of a teacher's hospital. Education Minister Devendra Paudel said that the in-principle consent has been obtained from the Cabinet for the construction of a teacher's hospital and now the work of acquiring land to build a hospital in the Chitwan district is underway.

Minister Poudel informed that 11 percent progress in teaching and learning has been made in 10 years. Similarly, in the last fiscal year, 113,000 students were provided with consent letters for foreign studies, and 91 students were provided with scholarships for higher education studies in technical subjects, according to the ministry.

Minister of Education Paudel has also put forward a plan to fulfill the 13 objectives set by the Education Policy by issuing the Education Thought Paper 2079. In which policy and legal reforms, infrastructure development and other aspects have been given special emphasis.

Early childhood development, school education, higher and technical education, areas of transformation to be done in 15 years and expected achievements and improvement actions are included in the thinking paper.

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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