Lok Sewa Aayog Planning to Published Vacancy for 1000 Nayab Subba

News 07 Jan 2020 6179

Lok Sewa Aayog Building

The Public Service Commission is calling for a new advertisement in the Gazette Uncategorized First Class (Nayab Subba) level at one thousand posts. The Commission has finalized the homework for the new deputy on Wednesday, calling for a new post on Wednesday, technical and non-technical.
As the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration has decided to open recruitment to Nayab Subba on Wednesday, the Public Service has confirmed that it is certain to advertise Nayab Subba. According to the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, one thousand posts of Nayab Subba level are vacant in various offices across the country under the union.

The Public Service Commission is about to be appointed on the basis of the demand of the officer concerned in the same vacancy.
