Ministry of Education Bulletin 2076 Poush 1

News 17 Dec 2019 21111

Ministry of Education Bulletin 2076 Poush 1

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, All Education Development and Coordination Units:

The notice published on Gorkhapatra National Daily dated the 2076 Manshir 1 regarding the application for the operation of technical and vocational education in the community schools, by the concerned Education Development and Coordination Unit, 2076/09/15; As mentioned in the milestone it has to be informed that arrangements are being made to send it to this center within 2076/09/22, it is requested to send it to the center within the first week of evaluation as the time period should be amended for implementation.

PS: Technical and Vocational Education Operations Guide 2069 (Second Revision 2075) in the school can be downloaded from the website of the center

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951



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