Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Promotion Recommendations List of Various Positions

News 08 Sep 2023 2164

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Notification on Promotion Recommendations by Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)

The Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Recruitment Committee located at Singhdarbar Plaza, Kathmandu, would like to officially announce the recommendations for promotions in alignment with the Internal Appraisal Promotion scheme (File Promotion). This notification is in compliance with regulation 19 b of the Council Staff Administration Regulations, 2049.

Notification Details

  • Notification Number: 37/079/080 (Including date 2080/02/21)
  • Secondary Notification: 73 / 2079/80
  • Published Date of Notice: 9/2080 / 81, Published on 2080/5/22

Promotion Category

The current promotions are specifically for candidates applying for the position of Senior Technical Officer, T-7 technician.

Regulatory Framework

The promotions are being carried out according to Regulations 198 and 198 of the Staff Administration Regulations of the Council, 2049.

Committee Decision

The Recruitment Committee has decided to recommend the file for promotion for the candidates who meet the required criteria as per the Internal Appraisal Promotion scheme.

Key Takeaways

  • The promotion is in line with Council Staff Administration Regulations, 2049.
  • Applies only to those applying for or holding the title of Senior Technical Officer, T-7 technician.
  • Promotions are decided upon an internal evaluation.

Why This Matters

Staff promotions contribute to enhancing productivity and boosting morale among employees. It’s a key component for the organizational development of NARC.

Next Steps

Those who are recommended for promotion will be contacted individually by the HR department for further processing.

For further queries, kindly reach out to the Recruitment Committee at Singhdarbar Plaza, Kathmandu.

Promotion List (Badhuwa Suchi) Notice

Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)

Singadurbar Plaza, Kathmandu

Estd. 1991



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