Nepal Airlines Corporation Staff Promotion Recommendation through Performance Appraisal

News 28 Jan 2023 1911

Nepal Airlines Corporation - NAC

Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC - Nepal Bayu Sewa Nigam) Human Resource Department's Notice regarding Promotion Recommendation through Performance Appraisal

In accordance with the Service and Conditions Regulations of Nepal Airlines Corporation, 2058, among the applications duly received from the concerned employees to be promoted and fill the posts in the following advertisement of the Corporation through work ability assessment, according to the said regulations, the highest score based on the marks obtained for educational qualification, seniority, and work performance evaluation. The meeting held on different dates of the Vacancy Committee has decided to recommend promotion to the following posts to the following written employees who received it.

This notice is published for the information of all concerned. If the concerned employee is not satisfied with the published notice; Within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Gorkha Patra National Daily, complaints can be filed in accordance with Regulation 56(1) of the same regulation along with proof.

Notice published date: 2079/10/14

Promotion List (Badhuwa Suchi) Notice

Nepal Airlines Corporation

New Road, Kathmandu

Estd. 1958


