New Grading System in SEE Examination, Must have Secured 35 Marks

News 26 Jul 2022 60851

NEB-National Examination Board

New Grading System in SEE Examination, Must have Secured 35 Marks to Pass the Exam: In the Secondary Education Examination (SEE), students will fail if they do not score at least 35 marks in the 100-point examination. In the Letter Grading Guide, 2078, it has been arranged that students will fail if they do not score 35 percent in the theory exam.

According to the guidelines, NG (Non-Graded) will be mentioned in the certificate if you get less than 35% marks in any subject. Students will not be allowed to study in class 11 if they have failed in any subject.

According to the guidelines, the students will get the original certificate only after securing the minimum grade i.e. 35 percent marks in the theoretical examination of all subjects in classes 8, 10, and 12. Similarly, in the practical exam, a minimum of 40 marks will be required. In SEE, theoretical and practical exams have been evaluated differently since this time.

Based on the grade, the students who cannot get grades C in practicals and D, in theory, will not get the original certificate.

Students who cannot get the original certificate will be allowed to take the grade Increment exam in two subjects up to three times. Candidates who could not get the specified grade in more than two subjects and who could not get the specified grade even after taking the grade increment exam will have to take the exam in all the subjects next year.

According to the guidelines, each subject's answer sheet will be examed and evaluated. The marks obtained from the exam and examination (separate marks for theoretical and internal in the grade seat) will be converted into grades.

The government formed a 'Study Task Force on the Alphabetic System in Nepal's School Education System' after it was raised that the quality of learning was deteriorating with the grading system. It was recommended that a minimum of 35 percent marks should be obtained in any subject to pass the school level.

According to the recommendation of the working group, the government has arranged that minimum marks must be obtained in theoretical and practical subjects.

Until now, in the grading method, grading was done only on the basis of total marks obtained by adding theoretical and practical marks. By doing this, there was a situation where the students would pass even if they got more marks in only one of the theoretical or practical aspects.

New Letter Grading System 2078 for SEE:

Serial No. Achieved Score (in %) Grade Point Grade Explanation of Grade
1 90 and more 4 A+ Outstanding
2 80 – less than 90 3.6 A Excellent
3 70 – less than 80 3.2 B+ Very Good
4 60 – less than 70 2.8 B Good
5 50 – less than 60 2.4 C+ Satisfactory
6 40 – less than 50 2 C Acceptable
7 35 – less than 40 1.6 D Basic
8 less than 35 NG Not Graded

NEB - National Examinations Board

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1990



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