President's Women Entrepreneurs Promotion Award Notice from MoWCSC

News 27 Apr 2023 815

Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens Notice

Notification of President's Women Entrepreneurs Promotion Award by the Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens

The Government of Nepal, Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens has published a notification regarding the President's Women Entrepreneurs Promotion Award. The award will be presented to one woman entrepreneur from each province on the occasion of National Women's Rights Day. The program is a part of the approved annual program for the fiscal year 2079/80.

Application Process:

Interested and qualified women entrepreneurs who wish to apply for the award must submit their application in the format as per Schedule-1 to the Ministry of Women Affairs of the respective province within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice. It is mandatory to apply along with the mentioned documents.

Recommendation Process:

According to Schedule-2, the Ministries dealing with women's issues of all seven provinces will recommend and send the application of qualified women entrepreneurs to the Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of expiry of the application period.

Availability of Information:

The President's Women Entrepreneurs Promotion Award Distribution Procedure, 2079 can be viewed on the Ministry's website:

The notification by the Ministry of Women, Children, and Senior Citizens for the President's Women Entrepreneurs Promotion Award is an excellent opportunity for women entrepreneurs to showcase their skills and receive recognition. The application process is simple, and interested women entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply within the specified time frame.

Published Date: 2080/01/14 (27th April 2023)
