Pulsar Sports Award 2078 Recognizes the Contribution of Dan Bahadur Tamang and Mayadevi Moktan

News 07 Mar 2023 1001

Pulsar Sports Award 2078 Recognizes the Contribution of Dan Bahadur Tamang and Mayadevi Moktan

Pulsar Sports Award 2078 recognizes the contribution of Dan Bahadur Tamang and Mayadevi Moktan

Under the Pulsar Sports Award 2078, a special award was presented to Dan Bahadur Tamang and Mayadevi Moktan. The Nepal Sports Journalist Forum organized the award ceremony to honor the significant contribution of this couple to Nepali badminton.

The Parents behind the Nepali Badminton Champions

Dan Bahadur and Mayadevi are the proud parents of Ratnajit Tamang, Saradevi Tamang, and Nangshal Devi Tamang, who are the champions of Nepali badminton. The couple received a special award for their efforts and sacrifices, which brought success to their daughters.

Inspiring Parents from Bhojpur

While there are only a few parents in Nepal who encourage their children to take up sports, Dan Bahadur and Mayadevi are inspiring parents from Bhojpur who worked hard to motivate their daughters to become badminton champions. They built a field themselves and trained their children to become successful players.

Becoming Heroes from Behind the Scenes

Dan Bahadur and Mayadevi were the driving force behind their daughters' success, working tirelessly to bring them to the top. They are the unsung heroes who remain behind the scenes but play a critical role in their children's success.

Dan Bahadur’s Story: From Prodigal Son to Badminton Coach

At first, the villagers used to mock Dan Bahadur for spoiling his children by taking them to play badminton. However, he was determined to make his children good players and spent all his salary as a teacher to support them. He even learned the art of coaching himself and served as the president of the Bhojpur District Badminton Association for 12 years. Dan Bahadur's commitment and hard work paid off when his daughters began winning tournaments and becoming champions.

A Unique Contribution

Dan Bahadur and Mayadevi's contribution to Nepali badminton is unique and special. They not only inspired their own children but also motivated others to take up the sport. Bhojpur has now become known as a place where badminton players are produced.

Dan Bahadur and Mayadevi's dedication and commitment to their daughters' success have been recognized through the Pulsar Sports Award 2078. Their inspiring story is a testament to the power of parental support and determination, which can make all the difference in achieving success in sports
