SEE Exam Will Be Conducted within Two Weeks after Lockdown Open

News 03 Apr 2020 6024

National Examination Board - NEB

SEE Exam Will Be Conducted within Two Weeks after Lockdown Open and Class 12 and 11 Exams Might be postponed:

The Secondary Education Examination (SEE) will take place at least two weeks after the government-issued lockdown to prevent and control the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The National Examination Board has informed that the lockdown will be fully open and the examination will be done only after returning to the normal life. The SEE exam, which should have been run since Chaitra 6, is currently in a state of suspension due to the coronavirus infection.

Board's Examination Controller Ram Raj Khakurel said that the SEE will be informed about the new exam schedule after the lockdown is open without any conditions. He said the exam will be done only after giving students two weeks' time.

He said that as many as three hundred students will participate in the examination in one examination center. In the present case, nothing can be said about when the examination can be conducted, he said.

Class 12 and 11 Exams Might be postponed:

In the meantime, the annual examination of Classes 12 and 11 will also be postponed when the government has added the lockdown issued by Chaitra till 25th. The National Examination Board said it would reach the bottom only after the government's final decision on the matter.

Chairman of the board, Prof. Dr. Chandramani Poudel said that the annual examination of Classes 12 and 11 would be stopped in case of a lockdown. The Board has scheduled Class 12 examinations from Baishakh First Week in 2077 and Class 11 from Baishakh Third Week.

Lockdown is expected to be done according to a predetermined schedule. Chairman Poudel said the preparations for the Class 12 and 11 exams could be done according to the prescribed schedule.

Source: Gorkhapatraonline
