TU Transcript Will be Available with New Security Features

News 11 Mar 2020 28781

TU Transcript Will be Available with New Security Features

Kathmandu Tribhuvan University (TU) has now provided the student with a 'Security Feature' transcript. The Transcript Trial with security feature is designed to prevent duplication and make everyone available in the same way. The Pushpraj Joshi, Examination Controller of the Examination Control Office informed that the process has been started by making a decision from the TU Academic Council.

According to him, the transcript can also be checked to see if it is original. In between it will be a set of seven different types of features, called 'Guluchi'. On the basis of this, the transcript can be ascertained or not. "There are TU fake transcripts in the market now," said Joshi, the examination controller, adding, "It is intended to bring security features to a halt."

The transcript of the transcript will be of five types, given to all the same type. The transcripts currently delivered are not the same. Medical and engineering subjects have different transcripts than other faculty. It is intended to give everyone a similar day with a transcript of security features.

Joshi informed that the transcript will be distributed to the students taking the exam from 2077 BS. "Its structure has been prepared," he said, "and we are now ready to call the bids in a few days." The transcript contains a photo of the student concerned. Established in 2016 BS, TU has just started printing transcripts from 2054 BS. The new transcript will have to pay a higher fee than the current one. Joshi said the transcript, which will be issued with the provisional certificate in hard folder, will be five times higher than the current one.

The examination controller office will provide transcripts and provisional certificates within the five types of folders - red, green, blue, brown and purple.
