University Grants Commission, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Call for Proposal:
(First Published Date 2076/07/17)
Higher education institutes through programs including scholarships and grants to students for the development, expansion and overall quality of higher education, renewal of skills, skills, capacity enhancement of teachers and staff involved in the teaching of study, research methodology training, scholarship, research assistance, operation of community campuses and development grant. Education, Academic and physical capacity to implement programs to the Commission as follows to constant information it has published. Those in need of assistance
For the programs mentioned below, it is suggested that separate applications and proposals be submitted within the timeframe specified in the format prescribed in the program schedule-2076 of the Commission. Program Procedure -2076 The Web site of the Commission can be found at or from this Commission.
The document to be submitted along with the application is given in Schedule to the Commission's Program Procedure-2076. More information on research applications can be obtained from "The UGE Research Guidelines, 5th Edition-2019".
No action will be taken on the application which has expired and has not reached the norm. If false statements are submitted, the Commission will no longer grant any grant in the future. The provision of grant or not will be as per the decision of the Commission.
More information can be contacted at the invitation address.
University Grants Commission (UGC)
Sanotimi, Bhaktapur
Phone no. 01-6638548 / 49/50
Fax No .: + 977-1-6638552
University Grants Commission Call for Proposal: