Aathrai Rural Municipality Vacancy for Various Positions

Vacancy 19 Dec 2022 4814

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Aathrai Rural Municipality Vacancy for Various Positions: The following positions are vacant for various positions in Aatharai Rural Municipality - Technicians under contract in Aathrai Rural Municipality (Procedures related to the management of employees, 2075, "Management and Management Procedures of the City Police of Atharai Rural Municipality - 2079" and the decision of the village executive committee to fill the positions of employees on service contracts through open competition; Interested Nepali citizens who meet the following qualifications can submit the application during office hours within 15 days from the date of publication of the notice for the first time.

Vacancy Details:

Position Level Required No.
Sub Engineer 5th Level Assistant 2
Assistant Sub Engineer (Open) 4th Level Assistant 2
Assistant Sub Engineer (Women) 4th Level Assistant 1
AMIN 4th Level Assistant 1
Vaidhya 4th Level Assistant 1
Hawaldar Non-Category 1
Jawan (Open) Non-Category 3
Jawan (Women) Non-Category 1

Government Job Engineering Job Job Vacancy Koshi Pradesh Terhathum