Ghailadubba Health Post Vacancy for Lab Assistant

Vacancy 07 Feb 2022 1767

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

To fill the following posts through contract service as per the decision of Kankai Municipality-9 Ghailadubba Health Post Management Committee dated 2078-10-05. Interested Nepali citizens who have reached the following qualifications are requested to submit the application at the health post-Ghailadubba within 15 days as per the details as per the demand.

Position: Lab Assistant

Level: Fourth Level Assistant

Required No .: 1 person

Application Fees: Rs. 800

Qualification experience and Required documents:

- Nepali citizen - 18 years of age and not exceeding 40 years

- Type of Exam: Listing and Interview

- Monthly remuneration and working hours: Rs. 15,000 (fifteen thousand only)

- Copy of educational qualification certificate

- Place of work: Ghailadubba Health Post, Jhapa

- Exam date: 2078-11-07 will be contacted.

Vacancy Committee,

Ghailadubba Health Post

Government Job Health Job Koshi Pradesh Jhapa Hospital Job Vacancy