Guthi Sansthan, Head Office
Information on recruitment through open/inclusive competitive examination
This notice has been published to fill the online application form from 2076/07/05, due to the willingness of the Nepali citizens who have qualified according to the rituals, as they are required to make permanent recruitment through open and inclusive competitive examination in the following posts, vacated under the Guthi Sansthan, on the basis of consent received from the Public Service Commission. This notice must be submitted online within 21 (twenty-one) days of the first published date and within an additional 7 (seven) days, with a double charge. No action will be taken against the petition which has not been filed within the deadline and has not reached the norm. If the application form is filled up with false statements, the accountable candidate will be himself.
All details specified in the application form should be filled in online and scanned along with the transcript of the Nepalese citizenship certificate and the transcript of the minimum educational qualification as per the prescribed form, character certificate, certificate of experience, designated certificate for the inclusive group and the recently taken passport size.
Information after submitting the application form, "Form has been submitted", "Payment Successfully Received" after payment of the Examination Form, ".has been approved" after the completed form has been accepted, and "... has been rejected" if the completed form is rejected. Dies via SMS will be received on the given mobile and email. The relevant petitioner should ensure that SMS is not received accordingly. Candidates will also be able to get the Exam Admit Card online through their Registration No. And Password ill needs to be secured.
Application Form: Rs.1500 / - in the rank of the Officer second class, Rs.1000 / - in the rank of authorized third class, Rs.1800 / - in the rank of assistant first class, Rs. The amount will need to be deposited by adding 50% of the prescribed schedule. If you apply for inclusion only in one of the terms of the inclusion without giving an application to the open, then the duty of the open will have to be submitted. If more than one group is included in the application, then it will be necessary for each inclusion group to add fifty percent to the specified schedule and submit the application.
After submitting the application form, you will have to click on View All Vacancies and go to the Payment Application and submit the application form as per the eSewa or Fonepay application.
Exam Type: Written and experimental (only if experimental) Exam and interview.
Exam Date: Specified on the contact date.
Examination Center: Within Kathmandu Valley (Information will be published later).
Contact Date: Specified on 2076/08/13
The place to work: Guthi Institute Head Office and Branch Offices.
Salary Facility: As per the prevailing regulations of the Institute.
Trial Period: 6 months in favor of female employees and 1 year in favor of others.
Candidates submitting a certificate of educational qualification obtained from a foreign educational institution must attach a certificate of equivalency from the University of Nepal.
Candidate Age: 18 years for the post of Assistant level and 21 years for the post of the officer level shall not exceed 35 years till the last date of the application, and the Deputy Administrator Officer shall not exceed 40 years in the rank of Second Class and in favor of women and technician.
The written examination of all the posts will be conducted by the Public Service Commission.
To be a candidate in the post of Deputy Administrator, the following is the following experience:
The term of service has been certified in the appointment letter or contract of such post as it has been submitted to the concerned body in the relevant field.
Such work shall be recognized on the basis of the letter of the concerned body: (a) civil and other governmental bodies, (b) an organized organization wholly or partly owned by the Government of Nepal, (c) a development committee constituted in accordance with the Development Committee N, 2013, (d) established by the Special N Institutions or bodies, (e) the United Nations, its organs and specialized bodies (f) inter-governmental regional and international organizations, (g) Vavidyalayaka campuses, and (h) Community School.
In addition to the experience mentioned by other bodies other than those mentioned above, in addition to the appointment letter or contract and the letter of the concerned body certifying the service, the process of admission to the official level of such body, including the organization's terms of service including the rules or regulations or guidelines or procedures, should be submitted and such rules and regulations or Directory or procedure Only valid experience of admission to the official level will be recognized in accordance with the law.
Any One who has worked in a government or public institution will not be recognized for their experience working in other institutions.
If you have worked in two or more agencies in the same period, only one experience of full-time work will be counted.
Work experience less than forty hours per week will not be recognized.
This experience will not be recognized if it is mentioned in the letter of appointment or part-time in the contract.
Period of serving at the official level as an officer at the subsidiary level or serving at the official level shall not be considered as an officer level experience.
Additional documents the candidate must submit:
A) On the basis of the same list in the case of caste listed in Nepal Indigenous Tribal upliftment National Establishment Act, but if there is more than one name within the caste listed in the Nepal Atiwasi / Janajati Upliftment National Establishment Act, the name of the caste is listed by the Chief District Officer on the recommendation of the concerned local level chief. The certified certificate must be included as Imperative need.
(B) In the case of Madheshi, the Government of Nepal shall publish the information in the Nepal Gazette on the basis of verification of Madhesi from the institution as per the prescribed order, but on the recommendation of the concerned local level till publishing the information as mentioned above, the certified certificate from Madhya Pradesh officer must be attached.
(C) on the basis of the same list in respect of caste, which is listed by the National Dalit Commission in favor of Dalits, but more than one layer within the caste listed by the National Dalit Commission.
If so, on the recommendation of the concerned local level chief, a document certified by the Chief District Officer as being within the caste list should be submitted.
The syllabus for the exam can be downloaded and downloaded from the Sansthan Head Office at
Exam Fee Processing: Application fee will have to be paid through eSewa or Fonepay as per instructions received after applying online.
On multiple ads, the online application form will have to pay a separate application fee for each ad.
The application form can be filled out by clicking on the Apply Online button on the Career of the Guthrie Institute's website or directly following the instructions at
Guthi Institute shall have all the right to approve/reject the application and cancel the advertisement. Only those candidates who have accepted the application will be included in the exam.
Any information regarding the application should be made to the internal arrangement and monitoring branch of the Guthi Institute Head Office and phone no. 977-1-4257029 and Mobile no. Contact us at 9851082057 or 9841372916. Chairman, Recruitment Committee
First Time published on 2076/07/08 (October 25, 2019)